Can You Buy an AR15 Upper Online Without a Background Check?

ar 15 upperThe short answer is that buying an AR 15 upper receiver online does not require a background check of any kind because an upper receiver is not regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive. It is not considered a firearm. You can purchase AR-15 and AR-10 uppers on our website with no background check required.

You might also be wondering, “do you need a FFL to buy an AR 15 upper?” The answer is also no. There is also no FFL (Federal Firearms License) required to purchase an AR15 upper online. So you can buy as many as you’d like. You can also purchase complete uppers without an FFL license OR a background check. This is a benefit because it avoids additional processing time and potential fees.

Do You Need a Background Check to Buy an AR Lower?

While buying an AR 15 upper receiver is not considered purchasing a firearm, if you were to buy a completed AR15 lower receiver online, it would be considered purchasing a firearm. If the AR lower is not finished, say only 80% of the lower is finished, then it is legal to purchase without a background check online.

When you hear about guns in the news, the lower receiver is usually what they are referring to. That is the part of the AR15 or AR10 that is highly regulated in some states, especially in California. It is the heart of the AR and houses all the necessary components and function to make the rifle work.

So essentially, you can buy all of the parts for an AR online without a background check or FFL. If you buy a completed lower receiver you will need to go through the proper procedures with local, state, and federal law. With an 80% lower that you finish yourself, you will not need to go through a background check to purchase.

Can You Order an AR Upper to Your House?

If you want to purchase an AR 15 upper, you can do so online but it may vary depending on what state you live in. For most, you simply need to order from our website and we’ll ship it to your home address. Go ahead, purchase as many uppers (from us, of course), that you’d like!

Do You Need a Background Check to Buy a Barrel?

This depends on the serialized part of the gun and the make/model but in most cases, the answer is no. You do not need a background check to purchase a barrel. In addition, the barrel and other gun parts can be purchased without an FFL and can even be shipped in the mail.

Shop our selection of AR-15 stripped uppers online with us at American Made Tactical!

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