Police Not Showing Up | Explore Why Some City Police Are Not Taking Calls for Crimes – American Made Tactical

Citizens Report Police Not Showing Up!

As you know we are living in strange and difficult times. This message is not meant to scare, but more to spread awareness.

In cities like Portland, Cincinnati, and Michigan, law enforcement may only be responding to calls deemed absolutely essential, so they may not respond to some crimes.

Countless people have reported police not showing up to their emergency calls. This means the general public could more often be called on to protect themselves and their neighbors. We hope that everyone stays safe, vigilant, and healthy during this time! Please protect yourselves and your neighbors.

What Do You Do if the Police Won’t Respond to Your Calls, Take Care of it Yourself?

call centerThe police are legally required to respond to all emergency life or death calls. But, as we’ve seen in the past, sometimes they don’t! Be aware, and don’t get this confused. Police offers have no duty to protect you or your property. The supreme court had ruled that no police officers have the constitutional duty to protect a person from harm. You may be put in a situation where you have to protect and defend yourself. The best thing you can do is to always be prepared, from your equipment to your mental and physical being. Make sure your gear is in operating order, and browse our AR-10 and AR-15 parts & accessories collection to.

Can Police Decline to Respond to a Call?

If the police don’t respond to your call, you are in a situation that does not require a police emergency. If the police decline to respond to your call, it could be because the police are busy dealing with more severe issues and will place your affairs “on the back burner”. That’s why here at American Made Tactical, we take great pride in teaching and allowing citizens to be more self-reliant. Protect your family and yourself with some of the best AR-15 80% lower receivers on the market.

Can an Emergency Dispatcher or Police Officer Refuse to Respond to a 911 Call?police response

The police are lawfully obligated to answer to all emergency life or death calls. Be aware that the response you receive from the dispatcher may not be the one you’re expecting. The police dispatcher can determine that your call is a non-emergency and not dispatch a police officer to your affair. Police not showing up has been reported in many cities across the US. As stated before, you must be prepared to protect yourself and your family at all times.

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