80 Lower in California | Learn How to Legally Finish an 80 Lower Receiver in California

How to Legally Finish an 80 Lower in California

Are 80 Lowers Legal in California

The first question you might be asking yourself is, “are 80 lowers legal in California?” If you were lucky enough to jig your 80 lower before July 1st, 2018, good news, you’re in the clear. However, if you completed an 80 lower AFTER July 1st, 2018, you have a little more work to do.

As always, we have to preface this with the fact that we are not lawyers, we do not work for the ATF, do not take this as legal advice.

80 Lower Receiver California Law

state of californiaIt is legal to purchase an 80 lower in California. However, unlike other states, California has different laws that make it more difficult. According to California law, a 80 lower in California still needs to follow the state’s firearm laws. However, it’s important to be aware of the laws related to assault weapon bans.

If you are purchasing an 80% lower in California, the laws are different than if you are a citizen. If you are purchasing from California, then you must go through the same purchase process as a completed rifle because the ATF considers this a firearm.

If you are purchasing an 80 percent lower in California as a California resident, there are additional laws you must follow. Actually purchasing an 80% lower isn’t a large issue in California. The problem is finishing it.

An 80 Lower in California Needs to Be Registered & Have a Serial Number

In most states, you don’t need a serial number. However, in California, you need to serialize your firearm once you have finished it as well as register your firearm. If you are simply purchasing an 80% lower, you don’t need this.

California passed the AB 857 law in July 2016 which required all completed firearms to have a serial number. You must apply to the California DOJ for a serial number. This requires the necessary paperwork AND fee. The state of California will then assign you a serial number that you are REQUIRED to put onto your lower. You cannot choose your own, you must use what the government provides. The second step in the process is to register it as an assault weapon. This also requires a process of sending pictures, confirming your Real ID and more.

Stay Current with California Laws

It’s important to stay up-to-date with California gun laws. For example, the law AB 879 was proposed. This law requires those who purchase or transfer “precursor parts” to do so through obtaining a Federal Firearms License (FFL).

To answer the question, “are 80 lowers legal in California” – yes, but there are many 80 lower receiver California laws and regulations to be aware of before you’re in the clear. Be sure to do research before buying an 80 lower in California.

Where to Purchase an 80 Lower

Whether you’re from California or another state, there are many sites and gun shops where you can purchase an 80 lower. It’s important to purchase from a reputable shop that understands the ins and outs of 80 lowers and finishing 80 lowers. To make it easy, you can order an AR-15 80 lower receiver and more here with American Made Tactical.

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