Category Archives: 80 Lowers

Are M-15A4 Uppers Compatible With AR-15 Lowers? | Explore M15A4 Frequently Asked Questions – American Made Tactical

ar15 complete upper assembly

Are M-15A4 Uppers Compatible With AR-15 Lowers? The short answer is no, they are not. There really is no such thing as an M15A4. The classic M15 is a squad automatic weapon variant of the M14 rifle. The catch here is that neither the M14 or the M15 has a split receiver, it’s a single […]

How Much Does it Cost to Build an AR 15 vs. Buying an AR 15?

guns and money american made tactical

If you’re searching “how much to build an AR 15″ then you’re in the right place. We want to help you map out the cost of purchasing a new AR 15 and the cost of building an AR15. First you have to define what a “good” AR-15 means to you. The cost of building an […]

Does filing off the serial number of a gun do any good?

gun metal filing

The only good filing off a serial number would do for you would be to get you locked up. Filing off a serial number is a felony. We’re surprised this is actually a common question, but of course it is. Be smart, do not try to file off a serial number on a gun. If […]

Gun Control Groups Already Claiming 2018 a HUGE Success

80 lower gun control

According to a new Washington Post article, the gun control group, Everytown is claiming that 2018 was a very successful year. Mainly due to the amount of candidates for new gun control measures that were elected into office. “I think this was the year of gun safety and I think what’s so noteworthy is that […]

Washington State Passes Stricter Gun Control Laws

washington state gun control

Last Tuesday, the voters in Washington state passed sweeping gun control measures which included: measures to increase the age limit to buy a pistol or semi-automatic assault rifle from 18 to 21. The state also imposes a 10-day waiting period for purchases and increases background checks. What this means for the future of gun control […]

Oregon County Elections Includes 2nd Amendment ballot issues

It is incredibly important that you, as 2nd Amendment supports and gun owners, are aware of issues that may be on the November ballot that impact your 2nd amendment rights. That can even include issues on the county level, like you see with bills on the ballot in 10 Oregon counties. Check out the article […]

Big Bucks Pouring Into Anti-2A Midterm Advertising

There’s nothing shocking about the fact that gun control groups are coming in hot and heavy with funding for the mid term elections. As this article from Guns Magazine explains, the political action arm from Michael Bloomberg, “Everytown for Gun Safetfy,” plans to dump $8-$10 million dollars into 4 key states. All for democratic candidates. […]

Dems Attempt Joint Fundraising Effort for Gun Control

A group of democrats have a goal of raising 1 million dollars in one day by tapping into email lists of top democrats including Hillary Clinton. The plan is to then split the money among anti-2A politicians. Just another way the 2nd amendment is constantly under attack. Rather then looking at other issues such as […]

Will Congress Make Any Moves on Gun Control?

As elections in November loom, gun control is a hot issue in many of the battleground states, including Florida where Bill Nelson and Rick Scott battled verbally over the issue. Of course this stems from the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The tragedy marked a turning point for many on the gun control […]


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