Category Archives: 80 Lower DIY

The Best Tools for Completing an 80% Lower at Home

Completing an 80 lower at home allows firearm hobbyists from beginners to pros to build their own custom lower receivers while maintaining full control over the build process. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or a first-time DIYer just wanting to have a fun Saturday building an AR with friends or family, having the right tools […]

How to Cerakote or Anodize Your 80 Lower for a Custom Look

Building an AR-15 or AR-10 from an 80% lower gives you full control over customization. But if you want to take it to the next level, finishing your lower with Cerakote can enhance both its appearance and durability. How to Cerakote Your 80% Lower (DIY Guide) Cerakote is a ceramic-based coating that provides excellent wear […]


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